Minneapolis St. Paul Mental Health Blog

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MaryAPRN.com/ Advanced Practice Psych LLC

Anxiety and Medications

Anxiety? Discontinuation of Antidepressants shortens time to Relapse

Anxiety and patients who quit too soon | The researchers found that the odds of relapse increased with discontinuation compared with continuing antidepressant treatment.

The researchers used random effects models to estimate odds ratios (OR) for relapse, calculate hazard ratios for time to relapse, and determine the relapse prevalence per group. In addition, they explored the effects of various categorical and continuous variables in subgroup analyses. 

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In the US, 44M adults have a mental health disorder or substance abuse

That statistic indicates that nearly 1 in 5 American adults deals with a mental illness or substance abuse problem each year...

...according to a U.S. government study. More is needed to better understand and give people the help they need.

Oregon has the highest rate, and New Jersey the lowest, according to 2012-2014 data analyzed by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

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Sleep and TBI | Mental Health Minnesota

Mental Health | Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) have become a hot topic...

...especially since the 2015 film Concussion.

An internet search brings up a bevy of articles about those who have been affected across the nation, including football players or those returning from war. But many cases of TBI go undiagnosed, and some childhood and adolescent injuries are probably under reported. So, where do we go from here?

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Mental Health | Cannabis use increases the risk of Depression and beyond.

Cannabis Use | Early and frequent use of cannabis might increase the risks of depression and suicidal ideation, researchers suggest.

“As cannabis use continues to be viewed with greater permissiveness, we need to carefully evaluate the relationship between various levels of cannabis use - from casual to heavy and problematic....

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