Minneapolis St. Paul Mental Health Blog

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MaryAPRN.com/ Advanced Practice Psych LLC


ASD and where we are today | Mental Health Update

Decades ago, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a group of developmental disabilities in which patients have significant social, communication, and behavioral difficulties, was considered rare, and the prognosis of those who had it usually wasn’t good.

Many individuals were committed to institutions for the rest of their lives because of their inability to function in society. But times have changed.

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Opioids outweigh death rate in rural counties | Mental Health

Opioid dealths in rural America | Accidental overdose deaths are higher in rural than urban areas in America.

A new report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports preventable deaths due to opioids are far higher in rural counties compared to urban counties, and now significantly outweigh the overall national death rate.

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Fighting Hunger in Minnesota

Mental Health is dependent on Physical Health | The Sheridan Story, why it matters

As a provider of Mental Health care to those in need, it is paramount to support communities beyond our own profession.

As a supporter of good causes, I must share one that does good work with strong impact where it is needed.

The Sheridan Story is based on the philosophy that no child should be hungry. There are over 200,000 children in the state of Minnesota who live in food insecurity.

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