Minneapolis St. Paul Mental Health Blog

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MaryAPRN.com/ Advanced Practice Psych LLC


MEND treatment for early Alzheimer diagnosis | Mental Health Help

Ten patients with early Alzheimer’s disease or its precursors showed improvement in memory ...

after treatment with Metabolic Enhancement for Neuro Degeneration (MEND), a programmatic and personalized therapy protocol.

This means that utilizing a specialized treatment for individuals with early Alzheimer's may show promise by reducing the negative effects of cognitive decline.

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Getting High, a Night of Drinking | Mental Health in teens affected

The temporary high from a joint or the momentary joy from a night of drinking can lead adolescents into a future of poor academic performance and possible mental health problems. 

A new study from the nonprofit RAND corporation, which followed a group of students, found poor academic performance and mental health problems were a hallmark of teens who used alcohol and marijuana.

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Poor Sleep tied to Depression | Mental Health Young Women

One night of short sleep may not lead to less depression the following day, but chronic short sleep is tied to greater depression overall for young women.

"The overall message - that poor quality and insufficient sleep lead to poor mood, which, in turn, worsens sleep - was not surprising," said lead author David A. Kalmbach of the University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor.

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