Minneapolis St. Paul Mental Health Blog

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MaryAPRN.com/ Advanced Practice Psych LLC

Using Marijuana may lead to substance abuse | Mental Health Update studies

In an analysis of US data, using marijuana may lead to using even more marijuana as well as abusing other drugs and alcohol.

Based on national surveys three years apart, researchers found that adults who reported using cannabis in the first survey were two to nine times more likely to have a substance abuse problem by the time of the second survey.

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Depression | is it a reaction to inflammation?

Depression, the stigma associated with it brings many to see it as a weakness vs. anything else, so what if….

  • If it was determined that it was a physical illness?
  • Would that make it less of a issue to admit to?
  • Does that make it… all in the mind?
But what if it actually has a physical cause that could be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen, or even antibiotics?
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