Minneapolis St. Paul Mental Health Blog

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MaryAPRN.com/ Advanced Practice Psych LLC

Risky Behaviors, a learned experience for all of us | Maternal Health help

Always seeking new information that benefits patients and communities struggling with Mental Health, here is another study that sheds a focused light on maternal health.  

Looking back oftentimes helps us understand where we are today and develop an action plan to where we want to be in the future.  
( Reuters Health) - Having a depressed mother during elementary or middle school raises the likelihood a child will engage in risky behaviors like drinking and smoking during the teen years, according to a new study.  (article first appeared in pediatricsaapublications.org)

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Seasonal Affective Disorder | Do you have it? What to do?

Do I have SAD?  | The U.S. National Library of Medicine notes that "some people experience a serious mood change when the seasons change. 

They may sleep too much, have little energy, and may also feel depressed.  We have to agree, and with winter here in Minnesota, you get lots of cloud cover and bitter cold, all adding to the components that can lead to SAD.

Seasonal affective disorder also known as SAD or winter depression, the winter blues or seasonal depression.  This affects millions of people, education and understanding of this pattern is important to finding out how to best treat it.

What are the signs and symptoms?

  • Difficulty waking up
  • Nausea
  • Tendency to oversleep and overeat
  • Craving for carbohydrates (leading to weight gain)
  • Lack of energy to perform daily activities
  • Difficulty concentrating on or completing tasks
  • Withdrawal from friends, family, and social activities, and decreased sex drive

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