Minneapolis St. Paul Mental Health Blog

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MaryAPRN.com/ Advanced Practice Psych LLC

APRN Minnesota | Reaching to your representative, it matters

HF 435 SF 511 APRN Minnesota, getting the best outcome for all only happens when you reach out and create a dialogue, letting those in power know how you feel.

Moving forward in a digital world: What you may find, as a constituent when calling your representative is that you don't always get feedback from them. My representative, Tara Mack (Apple Valley--district 57A) is on the House Health and Human Services Committee and I feel that communication is paramount to progress.

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Mental Health | Americans support greater access - Nurse Practitoners

Mental Health Minneapolis | Sometimes, reality does shine light on those Nurse Practioners who are doing the right thing, taking care of patients.

More than 60 percent of Americans believe nurse practitioners (NPs) should receive more freedom in the healthcare services they provide, such as ordering diagnostic tests or prescribing medication without physician supervision, according to a new survey.

The survey, commissioned by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) and conducted by the Mellman Group, found that:

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