Autism Studies - cause / effect, something to think about | Mental Health

Autism_and_Plastic_ContainersAssociation between ASD (autism spectrum disorder) in children and the common plastic used in consumer food and beverage containers?

Mental Health & Autism | Researchers (including T. Peter Stein, PhD) at Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine and Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, shows that BPA is not metabolized well in children with ASD.  Data from the study:

A metabolomic analysis found that metabolites and total BPA excreted by the children with autism was 3x higher than in the control group, the researchers reported in the journal Autism Research.  The study indicates that children with autism may metabolize BPA differently than healthy children.

The research team examined urine specimens from 46 children with ASD and 52 healthy control children for both free BPA and total BPA concentrations. Like many chemicals, BPA becomes water soluble when it is bound to glucose in the liver - a process called glucuronidation. Conversion to a glucuronide and then excretion of the glucuronide in the urine is a major pathway for removing toxins from the body. 

"Other studies involving rodent data have shown that BPA functions as an endocrine disruptor, but ours is the first to show this in humans and the first to associate it to autism," Stein said. "The observations show that for some children there was a relationship between intermediary metabolism, the ability to conjugate BPA and symptoms of autism."

Although the study involves a relatively small number of subjects, Stein said, "The key point is that the study seems to link BPA to autism and creates an open area for further research. One implication of our study is that there might be a benefit to reducing BPA exposure for pregnant women and for children with autism."

Autism continues to be a tough challenge, as we continue to better our understanding (including the use of Plastic Containers) as professionals, early intervention and hard work with the right people and tools, we will continue to make strides in making a positive difference.  

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