Mental Health Blog

When you can’t afford meds | Mental Health Help with your meds

Written by Advanced Practice Psych LLC | Tue, Aug 27, 2013 @ 02:01 PM

Minneapolis Mental Health Help | When you can't afford the cost of your meds, reality dictates a serious problem. 

This is what we don’t want to hear from a patient:

One of my patients recently seen couldn't afford the meds, when you add up all the co-pays, Seroquel, Wellbutrin, Cymbalta, it does add up to some serious dollars.  How did she deal with it?  

She elected to stop two and kept the one.  I do not want to see anyone ‘stop’ their medication for any reason, make sure that you understand the decision to use a medication is based on actual ‘need’. 

At this point, I want to share some points that may help:

  • Please note; not all pharmacies are alike.  They may sell the same products, however,, it shows you where the lowest price within your area.


  • Another thing to know:  Not all physicians do their homework to decide what is best for their patients by failing to consider the cost of the medications before prescribing.


  • Access to medications:  4 dollar club in 3-4 pharmacies in the metro area, however make sure that you check them out as some will have a fee to belong to the 4 dollar co pay program, the others do not.

Here is another resource:  It is called the partnership for prescription assitance.  Here is some information from the site:

  • What is the Partnership for Prescription Assistance???

The Partnership for Prescription Assistance helps qualifying patients without prescription drug coverage get the medicines they need through the program that is right for them. Many will get their medications free or nearly free.

The Partnership for Prescription Assistance will help you find the program that’s right for you, free of charge. Remember, you will never be asked for money by a PPA Call Center representative, or on this Web site.


The Last word: Education

  • Education / discussion with physicians regarding what the patient can afford and what they cannot.  
  • Clients need to educate their physicians.  
  • Are their alternatives?  Asking questions, being aware is the best way to reach your desired outcome, participate in your health.

If you have difficulties, it would be wise to, go to the pharmaceutical websites and seek out the prescription, look at the patient assistance programs, see if you qualify, print them out and bring them with you.