Mental Health Blog

New York passes legislation for NP to prescribe | APRN Minnesota

Written by Advanced Practice Psych LLC | Wed, Apr 02, 2014 @ 11:44 PM

Another state moves towards a better system by eliminating the need for outdated prescribing agreements with physicians.

From the April 2nd. article in

New York will pass legislation this week as part of the state budget to expand the authority of nurse practitioners (NPs) to practice independently, reports.

The Nurse Practitioners Modernization Act, which will take effect Jan. 1, 2015, eliminates the requirement that NPs have a written practice agreement with a doctor in order to practice independently. New York will be the eighteenth state, along with the District of Columbia, to implement such a measure, according to the article.

The bill overcame fierce opposition from Empire State physician groups, who warned NPs' lower experience levels posed a safety hazard and argued eliminating the written agreement would discourage team-based care even as healthcare models trend in that direction.

However, research suggests NPs' quality of care is no worse than doctors', according to the article, and NPs say increased authority could help cover the gaps created by the doctor shortage.

"The new law is a result of enormous efforts by the Governor, the Senate and the Assembly, as well as the NPA [Nurse Practitioner Association] leadership and volunteers," said Denis Tarrant, president of the Nurse Practitioner Association New York State, in a statement.

"The cooperation among the Legislature, Executive, and the NPA led to the enactment of legislation that truly enhances the nurse practitioner profession in New York State and will ensure that New Yorkers will have access to high quality healthcare." The NPA statement praised the legislature for eliminating the "arcane requirement" for a written agreement.
New York is not the only state debating greater freedom for nurses.

New Jersey doctors and advanced practice nurses (APNs) are at odds over a bill that would give APNs the authority to issue death certificates, while Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy's (D) administration has proposed similar legislation to expand NPs' authority, FierceHealthcare previously reported.

The reality that there aren't enough physicians to give the time and energy to those in need, and NP's are already filling much of this void already.  With physician agreements amounting to a piece of paper without actual collaboration (as they are not necessary in this fast paced world of ours), elimination of these boundaries opens up access for many in rural areas, and those with limited resources.  It is about time.

*The photo above has the state of NY shaded in blue as per the recent legislation.