Mental Health Blog

APRN Minnesota | Reaching to your representative, it matters

Written by Advanced Practice Psych LLC | Fri, Apr 04, 2014 @ 04:25 PM

HF 435 SF 511 APRN Minnesota, getting the best outcome for all only happens when you reach out and create a dialogue, letting those in power know how you feel.

Moving forward in a digital world: What you may find, as a constituent when calling your representative is that you don't always get feedback from them. My representative, Tara Mack (Apple Valley--district 57A) is on the House Health and Human Services Committee and I feel that communication is paramount to progress.

  • I sent her an email about the APRN issues on 3/10/13 and did not get a response until 5/16/13, just a few days before the session ended.
  • This was disappointing, but I just put it aside for then.
  • I sent her two more emails, 2/3/14 and 3/10/14. I have not yet heard back from her.

This past Monday (3/31/14), I called her office and left a message with her legislative assistant, and also sent Tara Mack another email, asking for her support of the bill and to also provide information about the questions she brought up at the House Committee hearing.

Once again, I have not yet had a response, in spite of leaving of my email address and also phone number. I would like to think that even if she does not feel she could support this bill, she--or her office could at least acknowledge a constituent of her district.

  • In spite of the lack of communication or response from my representative, I think it is still very important that we make every attempt to contact our legislative representatives, House and Senate to convey how vital these bills (HF 435 and SF 511) are to our clients with health care needs, and who are also their constituents.

Even if the legislative representative may not be in agreement with the bills, the message is still being sent that these are important issues.

Your vote does not count unless you go to the voting poll. Your voice is not heard until you express it to your legislative representative. In addition, utilizing social media such LinkedIn and other social media platforms, our voices are being heard. Please let your voice be heard.