Mental Health Blog

E-cigs increased Cancer risk 15 fold when turned up

Written by Advanced Practice Psych LLC | Fri, Feb 06, 2015 @ 12:00 PM

E-cigarettes, facts and how the marketing behind them is just like the 60s, inaccurate.

The goal / marketing behind any type of cigarette manufacturer is to get you hooked, this is a fact and the myths behind it are what takes you from trying it to being addicted to it, and justifying the process.  An excerpt from a study done at Portland State University:

["The new adjustable 'tank system' e-cigarettes allow users to really turn up the heat and deliver high amounts of vapor, or e-cigarette smoke," lead researcher David Peyton, Ph.D., a chemistry professor at Portland State University in Oregon, said in a university news release. Users open up the devices, put their own fluid in, and adjust the operating temperature as they like, allowing them to greatly alter the vapor generated by the e-cigarette.

When used at low voltage, e-cigarettes did not create any formaldehyde-releasing agents, the researchers found. However, high-voltage use released enough formaldehyde-containing compounds to increase a person's lifetime risk of cancer five to 15 times higher than the risk caused by long-term smoking.]
While the American Vaping Association took action against this claim (to reduce the impact of the dangers and sell more product) and stated that this study is flawed.  How is using E-cigs ever going to be a healthy alternative?  It isn’t.  Putting chemicals into your system that are proven to cause cancer, and increase your chance of other co-morbidities is more than a discussion.
All the logic won’t do any good if the belief system is built around emotion, this study points out the hidden formaldehyde in E-cigarettes. 
Know when youre being persuaded to justify a life killing habit such as smoking (no matter what form it is in).  Make good choices, lead a long and productive life.
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