Mental Health | New Blood Test Identifies Metabolic Subtypes Linked to Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Test

Autism TestAutism Test | The NPDX AA test is available on a limited basis through NeuroPointDx's early access program.

NeuroPointDX announced the availability of the NPDX AA test, the first objective blood test that identifies metabolic subtypes associated with autism spectrum disorder in children as young as 18 months old.

The NPDX AA test works by detecting amine imbalances in a child's fasting blood sample with very precise thresholds that were identified and validated based on samples from the Children's Autism Metabolome Project (CAMP) study (N=1100) in patients aged 18 to 48 months.

The metabolic imbalances, which were seen in ~30% of children with ASD, are not currently identified by other tests on the market. The test also provides metabolic information that may help clinicians determine optimal treatment strategies for patients with ASD.

Testing is recommended for children who have failed screening for developmental milestones indicating risk for ASD (eg, M-CHAT, ASQ-3, PEDS, STAT, etc.), who have a family history such as a sibling diagnosed with ASD, or for those who have been diagnosed with ASD and want additional metabolic information to provide insight into the condition and therapy.

ASD TestResults are provided within 2 weeks; a positive test result should be further evaluated by a neurodevelopmental specialist.
“We are continuing to mine data from the CAMP study to identify and validate additional metabolic subtypes in children with ASD,” said Bob Burrier, Chief Operating Officer and Vice President of Research & Development at NeuroPointDX.

“Our aim is to further build on the utility of this test to identify a greater percentage of children with additional metabolic subtypes. The metabolic biomarkers we have identified will serve as targets for new therapies ranging from pharmaceuticals to dietary supplements, bringing precision medicine to the diagnosis and treatment of this neurodevelopmental disorder.” NeuroPointDx plans to launch a second test panel to market in 2019.

The NPDX AA test is available on a limited basis through the Company's early access program and must be ordered by a physician. The test is currently not covered by insurance.


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