Minneapolis St. Paul Mental Health Blog

Prescribing Marijuana

Cannabis and Psychiatry | recommend or not recommend?

Mental Health | Too many questions about cannabis and cannabinoids remain unanswered for mental health clinicians to use them in clinical practice, a panel of researchers told an overflow crowd at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting.

The presenters reviewed the medical literature on cannabis and cannabinoids relating to schizophrenia, anxiety disorders including social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other conditions.

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Too much Social Media? Mental Health

Mental Health | Does high use of SM add to ADHD disorder in youths?

Mental Health | Heavy use of texting, video chatting, and social media may contribute to the onset of symptoms of attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in youth, new research suggests.

Among a large group of adolescents who did not have symptoms of ADHD at baseline, frequent use of digital media was found to be associated with the emergence of new ADHD symptoms.

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