Minneapolis St. Paul Mental Health Blog


Mental Health Update | Sharp Rise in Suicides by Gun among American children

American children died of self-inflicted gunshot wounds at a sharply higher rate in 2014 than seven years earlier...

according to a recent study, which said that the safe storage of firearms could make a big difference in preventing youth suicides.

Among children and teens aged 17 or younger, 1.6 per 100,000 killed themselves with guns in 2014, compared with 1.0 per 100,000 in 2007.

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Mental Health Studies | How Psychotic symptoms emerge

Mental Health Studies | A new study has identified a brain marker for vulnerability to psychosis in late adolescence.

Investigators discovered an exaggerated emotional response from the brain to non-threatening and non-emotional cues predicts the emergence of the first signs of psychotic symptoms.

The results are consistent with hypotheses about how psychosis develops.

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Schizophrenia | improving with B vitamins

Does the use of B vitamins increase the outcomes for those with Schizophrenia?

Supplementation with L-methylfolate produced positive physiological changes and some symptom improvement in patients with schizophrenia, researchers found in a study published online in Molecular Psychiatry.

L-methylfolate is the fully reduced and bioactive form of folate.

B vitamins play an essential role in cellular metabolism, including transmethylation and oxidation/reduction reactions. Low blood levels of B vitamins are a relatively consistent finding in patients with schizophrenia.

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