Minneapolis St. Paul Mental Health Blog

SAD help

SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder | Do you have it?

SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder | You need to know

It is estimated that roughly 6%of the U.S. Population may suffer from SAD, with an additional 14% suffering from subsyndromal SAD.  The incidence of SAD is greater as the latitude increases, ranging from 1.4% at Florida’s latitude to 10.2 % at the latitude of Minnesota’s geographical location. 

With such a high rate of incidence, it is likely that you know at least one person with SAD.  Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that they have SAD, and many others don’t realize that it is a treatable disorder. 

What clues should you be looking for?  How do I know if I have it?

Symptoms include:

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A Fiber rich Diet helps with aging according to research

A diet inclusive of foods rich in fiber may fuel more successful aging, according to research published in The Journals of Gerontology.

The researchers tracked 1,609 participants, 49 years and older, for a decade starting in 1994. At the start, all were free of cancer, coronary artery disease, and stroke.

Successful aging status at follow-up was defined as the absence of disability, depressive symptoms, cognitive impairment, respiratory symptoms, and chronic diseases such as cancer and coronary artery disease. Surveys assessed dietary routines, with a specific focus on fiber, carbohydrates, and sugar intake.

The team found that only 25% of study participants were meeting daily fiber intake recommendations, and 15.5% of the participants had aged successfully over the 10-year time frame.

Those with below-average levels of fiber consumption were least likely to have aged well.

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