Minneapolis St. Paul Mental Health Blog

Internet Gaming Addiction | This is real, it affects many adolescents

gaming_addictionScenario:  a 14-year-old boy is in psychiatric treatment for depression and anxiety.  His name is Thomas.

Although his symptoms have partially responded to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication, Thomas continues to experience self described “panic attacks” that occur only at school.  This is an article about the problems associated with Internet Addiction, and the effects it has on the ‘real world’.  

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Women in workplace | Gender differences in Mental Health study

I’m a female in a managerial position, How come I feel a higher level of depression?  Research shows gender differences in Mental Health

Being in a managerial position at work may increase the odds for symptoms of depression among women, but not men, according to research published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior.

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Violence & Aggression | unwanted biological social interactions | Mental Health Help

Mental Health Help and Understanding | We all have experienced aggression, witnessed violence to some degree, it is part of our nature / culture.  

Violence is something that is also associated with aggression.  As professionals in Mental Health, it is our obligation to better understand what, why, and how we can improve patient outcomes.

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