Minneapolis St. Paul Mental Health Blog
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Mental Health | Social Isolation linked with higher risk of incident Dementia in US older adults
Mental Health | Psychological Distress may lead to > risk of dementia
Mental Health | Psychological distress symptoms were associated with a 17% to 24% higher etiological risk of dementia...
...according to a cohort study recently published in JAMA Neurology.
Yr Health | Depression Associated With a 51% Higher Risk of Dementia
Mental Health | Proactive, timely treatment of late-in-life depression could help to lower risk of dementia in certain patients, according to study findings published in Biological Psychiatry.
Social Isolation | Mental Health risk of Dementia
Mental Health | Social Isolation Linked With Higher Risk of Incident Dementia in US Older Adults
Mental Health | Social isolation appears common in community-dwelling older adults in the United States and is associated with an increased risk of developing dementia over 9 years, according to study results published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
Depression | risk of Dementia if left untreated
Your Health | Depression associated w/ a 51% higher risk of Dementia
Mental Health | Proactive, timely treatment of late-in-life depression could help to lower risk of dementia in certain patients...
... according to study findings published in Biological Psychiatry.
Using Sleeping pills frequently may increase risk of Dementia
Frequent use of sleep medications may increase the risk of future cognitive impairment, new research suggests.
Mental Health, Fitness Health | moderate fitness may lower Dementia Risk
Among a group of Swedish women, those with high cardiovascular fitness at middle age were 88% less likely to develop dementia...
...decades later, compared with women with moderate cardiovascular fitness, researchers reported online in Neurology.
Heavy Drinking & Dementia | a major risk factor for Dementia
Researchers are recommending screening for heavy alcohol use as part of routine medical care ....
after their study showed alcohol use disorders are a major risk factor for all types of dementia—but especially early-onset dementia.
Mental Health | Key Risk Factor for Dementia | Heavy Drinking
Researchers are recommending screening for heavy alcohol use as part of routine medical care after their study showed alcohol use disorders are a major risk factor for all types of dementia—but especially early-onset dementia.
Stress, can it be the reason for forgetfulness? Mental Health Update
You spend 10 minutes searching for your keys before you leave the house.
....Or maybe you forget to grab them altogether.