Minneapolis St. Paul Mental Health Blog

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Depression (5)

Understanding Self Defining Memories helps dealing with Depression

Mental Health Help | dealing with Depression can make life difficult. The more you know about depression, the better you can make your own life.

It is common to hear people complain that they are “lost in life,” don't seem to know who they are anymore, or generally lack a sense of purpose.

For people living with depression or bipolar disorder, there is evidence that disturbances, which are deep rooted in their memories from their past, can play a large part in explaining such identity problems.

According to a previous 2004 study by Blagov and Singer, these disturbances are often due to a phenomena known as “overgeneralization bias,” which is the tendency to recall fewer specific memories than general ones. “Mood congruence bias,” which is the propensity to recall less positive memories than negative ones, also plays a role.

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Mood instability w/ Mental Health Disorders | Leads to poor outcomes

Recent findings suggest the importance for screening of mood instability with all common mental health disorders. Here is what King’s College in London found:

Researchers from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) has shown that mood instability occurs in a wide range of mental disorders and is not exclusive to affective conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety disorder.

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Memories define us | Having depression impacts how we see ourselves

Mental Health Help | It is common to hear people complain that they are “lost in life,” don't seem to know who they are anymore, or generally lack a sense of purpose.

For people living with depression or bipolar disorder, there is evidence that disturbances, which are deep rooted in their memories from their past, can play a large part in explaining such identity problems. A study by Blagov and Singer helps us understand more...

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Understanding Depression - workplace | it is real and it affects many of us

Depression in the workplace | In the last decade, the number of American workers that say job stress is a major problem in their lives has doubled.
In fact, the US Department of Health reported that 70 percent of physical and mental complaints at work are related to stress.  We found some data that relates specifically to women...
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