Minneapolis St. Paul Mental Health Blog

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Are you getting enough Sleep? Not enough does have consequences

Mental Health and Sleep | Most of us know first-hand that lack of sleep has a profound effect on how we function day to day.

From irritability and increased clumsiness to greater susceptibility to colds and chronic diseases, there's ample research to back this up.

Now, a large new study also confirms that being sleep deprived really can suck the joy out of life.

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Starting School an hour later study | Mental Health

Mental Health for students | Delaying high school start times by about an hour increased the amount adolescents slept on school nights, and also reduced their catch-up sleep on weekends, according to results from a cohort study.

For their research published in JAMA Pediatrics, Rachel Widome, PhD, of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, and colleagues followed a cohort of students at five public high schools in suburban and rural Minneapolis, randomly selecting 455 (225 girls; mean age, 15 years) for wrist actigraphy to track sleep and activity.

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insomnia studies Minnesota

The Effects of Insomnia on Mental Health | cause and effect

Insomnia may also be associated with increased risk of suicidal ideation, inflammation, heart disease, breathing problems, hypertension, and chronic pain.

Sleep difficulties can both cause and result from psychiatric disorders, and clinicians must be sure to treat the conditions simultaneously, Psych Congress co-chair Charles L. Raison, MD, said at the Psych Congress Regionals meetings.

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