Minneapolis St. Paul Mental Health Blog

Posts about:

social media

Too much Social Media? Mental Health

Mental Health | Does high use of SM add to ADHD disorder in youths?

Mental Health | Heavy use of texting, video chatting, and social media may contribute to the onset of symptoms of attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in youth, new research suggests.

Among a large group of adolescents who did not have symptoms of ADHD at baseline, frequent use of digital media was found to be associated with the emergence of new ADHD symptoms.

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Mental Health Mpls

Keeping Mentally Healthy | does Social Media cause social Isolation?

Mental Health Matters | How much Social Media is too much?

So here you are, gazing into a screen when you could be meeting with a colleague, salsa dancing, or sharing lunch with a friend.

What effect is all of this online time having on your health? And what—if anything—should you tell your patients about their own Internet use?

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